Netflix producirá "La otra cara del viento"

Buenas noticias para los fans de Orson Welles. La cadena Netflix financia el montaje de "La otra cara del viento", su película inacabada. Éste es el mensaje de los patrocinadores de la iniciativa:

Dear Contributors,
My sincere apologies for the long silence.
At long last, I’m thrilled to share with you the news that Netflix has acquired global rights and will finance the completion and restoration of The Other Side of the Wind.  Working closely with Netflix, Producer Frank Marshall and I will oversee the restoration and completion of the film with consultation from Peter Bogdanovich.
With Netflix’s unparalleled global reach, The Other Side of the Wind will be Orson Welles’ widest release ever… and, hopefully, introduce a whole new generation of film lovers to his work.
However, given Netflix’s unique business model, making this happen meant renegotiating certain rights deals.  Once I engaged in those talks, I was unable to comment on the state of the film, hence the extended silence.  All told, the deals took a year and a half to close, but, in the end, every painstaking moment was worth the effort.  I needed to take a step back so that we could take this giant leap forward.
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